On November 14th, 2023, SAAPRI hosted our third and final part in our 3-part Breast Cancer Awareness Series.
This final panel focused on outreach & advocacy surrounding breast cancer and its impact on the South Asian community. This conversation was guided by a fellow breast cancer survivor and advocate, Punita Khanna. Our panelists, Zul Surani, Dr. Rashmi Verma, and Shriya Ramdas shared their personal journeys and experiences, followed up by an engaging Q&A session and discussion.
The aim of this series was to create awareness about health challenges, such as breast cancer, that impact the South Asian community. It’s a platform to showcase the real-life experiences of our community members while shedding light on the advocacy and research efforts underway.
Overview of panelists
Zul Surani, from Cedars-Sinai, discussed his advocacy work in breast cancer, which he previously undertook at UCLA and continues at Cedars-Sinai. Zul also delved into Cedars-Sinai’s community and outreach initiatives, in addition to sharing insights on the ongoing breast cancer study seeking participants.
Dr. Rashmi Verma shared her experiences as an advocate with ACS CAN and her personal family encounters with cancer.
Shriya Ramdas provided a youth perspective as she reflected on her involvement with ACS/ACS CAN and emphasized the significance of advocacy. She shared the reasons behind her engagement and its importance.
- Access the Facebook event page here
Thank you to all those who attended our event! If you were not able to attend, you can access the recording here (Passcode: +63^r3si). You can also access the Breast Cancer Awareness Resource Guide here.