On August 31st, 2023, SAAPRI, State Senator Ram Villivalam, and representatives from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency taught how to access Funding for Enhanced Security Preparedness through the Illinois Non-Profit Security Grant Program (NSGP-IL) – This grant is for non-profits, religious organizations, and houses of prayers that face potential security risks.
The presenters, Bob Evans, Chief of Preparedness & Grants, and Tammy Porter, Coordinator of Preparedness Grant Programs at the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA, shared information on the grant.
Partners: Office of Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam and Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA).
If your organization is interested in this grant and was not able to attend, below are some important resources and contact information that will be helpful.
- Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) – Most comprehensive list of ALL state financial assistance programs. You can search by grant name, agency, funding levels, and much more.
Vulnerability Assessments:
- Chicago and Northern Suburbs – Chicago Police 24th District Place of Worship Safety Advisory Team (POWSAT)
Officer Mike Specht – michael.specht@chicagopolice.org
Officer Roger Heath – Roger.HeathJr@chicagopolice.org - Protective Security Advisors from the United States Department of Homeland Security: Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Charles DuShane – Charles.Dushane@hq.dhs.gov
James Ford – James.Ford@cisa.dhs.gov - House of Worship Security Self-Assessment Tool
Because of changes made by HB1187, which Senator Villivalam sponsored in the Senate, houses of worship will be able to use this toolkit to do their own security assessment and use that for the application.
If you or your organization is interested in applying for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) and you’d like to join the Safeguard Illinois Communities Coalition, please email Jared Hoffman at JaredHoffman@juf.org.
Senator Villivalam:
Veton Hasku – Chief of Staff | veton@senatorram.com
General Inquiries | info@senatorram.com
Rep. Kevin Olickal:
Beni Batiste – Chief of Staff | beni@repkevinolickal.com
Tina Samuel – Outreach Director | tina@repkevinolickal.com
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Bob Evans – Acting Division Chief | Bob.P.Evans@illinois.gov | 217-557-4788
Tammy Porter – Preparedness Grants Coord. | Tammy.D.Porter@Illinois.gov | 217-557-4831
Sami Ahmed – Administrative Coordinator | Sami.Ahmed1@Illinois.gov | 217-558-6403