On May 8th, 2021, SAAPRI joined the the Pan-Asian Voter Empowerment (PAVE) Coalition for a virtual Asian American Action Day filled with stories, cultural performances, AAPI community and legislator conversations, and ways to take action. The day brought together Asian American advocates from all over Illinois, and there was also a special appearance by Governor Pritzker, who spoke about Asian American advocacy and fighting for a more just Illinois. The interactive program additionally included political education on Asian American history and testimonies from AAPI community members and elected officials including Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Senator Ram Villivalam, and Representative Theresa Mah on how together, we are fighting for an Illinois where all our immigrant, AAPI, and BIPOC communities can honor our histories and build our future for safety, belonging, and dignity.
Thank you to all those who attended our event!
- Read more about the event here